We offer qualitative change of an essence of all cruises of company Royal Caribbean International.
How it is possible - read in our letter.

Maria Karpinskaya - The author and the executor of socially significant projects. General director АНО «New Planetary TV of M», Author Proektov «the World Eyes of Children», «the Children's State», the Philosopher, the journalist writing for the different countries. The writer, the poet, the teacher. Knows the Way on the Earth and executes the Mission.
To: Respected Leadership Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd first of all Chairman Richard D. Fain, President and CEO Adam M. Goldstein, Executive Vice President Brian Rice, Executive Vice President Harri Kulovaara, President Royal Celebrity Tours Craig Milan, Senior Vice President, International Michael Bayley, Senior Vice President, Hotel Operations Lisa Bauer, Senior Vice President, Marine Operations Capt. William Wright, Senior Vice President, Sales Vicki Freed, Senior Vice President, Marketing Betsy O'Rourke both all founders and participants of the greatest in your company Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd of forthcoming event - Opening to the ship world, the most surprising in the world - Oasis of the Seas!
We express you ours sincere admiration and we congratulate all of you on a victory.
At last, during this remarkable time, thanks to you, the highest and the world flight of imagination of all mankind in which all innovations of the modern world have been expressed, has been embodied. Hurrah! Ur! Ur!!!
Your company has a major principle to which help there is its development. This principle sounds, as it seems to us so: «Why it is not possible? Probably everything, that opens to us in imagination». And only having such postulate, you have achieved improbable successes in the field of sea shipbuilding.
We are guided by the same principle «Why it not probably?» Also we address to you with the offer on how it is possible to change quickly the world community and qualitatively to change the human factor, by means of your of the liner «Oasis of the seas». Our idea also is unusual and in this idea also the innovation and imagination have no borders. We know that that we have thought up, together with you is possible and absolutely favorably and conveniently not only for you, but also for all mankind. Such does not happen? And we say that such is possible!
The offer to company management Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.
The management of the independent noncommercial organisation «New planetary TV of Youth», the youth organisations of Russia, Ukraine, the countries of Europe, Israel, the countries of the East, world mass media, address to you with the innovative offer on cooperation which shows improbable event for all world.
For you there is a big dream – your ship «Oasis of the Seas» unique and improbable.
«Oasis of the Seas» – created by flight of thought of Creators is not simply tourist ship, it personifies a collective image of everything, before described in a science and the fantastic literature of images and legends of the fantastic ship.
From our party we offer the Peace-making International project of Open charitable Festival of Mass Communications for Children and Youth «The World in the Eyes of Children» which also is collective image of human society with its achievements in the field of a science, culture and art, a policy, jurisprudence and economy.
Essence of our offer on cooperation with your company and you: to create new model of the world, and to enter our and your names in a modern history of new mankind.
Let's try carry out this project together. You will tell to yourselves: and why and not to make it?
Let's make Peace-making International Festival together!
From your party is the ship «Oasis of the Seas» and from our party the unique project. Who will tell, what such it is impossible?. It is quite possible. And this event will change the world inexplicably, and your ship will play a role of the Messiah of the world. And that time, which is given this ship for its travel on the life seas, the ship «Oasis of the Seas» will play a role of the greatest Ambassador of the world and the consent.
Your company, and your ship «Oasis of the seas» are already selected to be that collective Spirit which will make, at last, our world not in words, and in practice the uniform world community without borders.
Ask your hearts: what for you built such ship and the answer of your company and to all its employees there is this letter.
The organizations, that together with us, prepare the project of our peace-making mission offer us the various ships of the different countries, not such big, as "the Oasis of the seas". But we refuse all offers.
Forecasts and calculations of оur founders of the project have shown that only your ship, unique in the world, was created by you for achievement of the put mission.
And now allow us in this letter to you, to repeat once again the most important offer: the Essence of mission of the ship, mission of your company Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., Mission of passengers, everything, from the cook to the greatest scientific founders - to create new model of the world and to enter the names in a modern history of new mankind. Imagine now as it is magnificent as it is boundless!!!
Mass media of all world, will show this event on all central television channels of the world, the best directors will shoot about it films, artists will write pictures, singers to compose songs. We will write the book in which names of all founders and participants will be brought in annals of new mankind.
We will write the book in which names of all founders and participants will be brought in annals of new mankind. This Book of Destinies will be published by million circulations in all languages of the world. Each person who will be somehow involved in the given peace-making of Mission, will receive the life page in the BOOK of the DESTINIES, everyone, from the cook, the secretary to founders of the ship become founders of the new historical moment. It will be new Creation of the new world. Such was much thousand years ago. It is possible today again. It is transition to a new coil of development. And this property of children and grandsons, it is pride: to participate in world creation by the ship the peacemaker. Let's bring the names in this greatest the Encyclopaedia of Creation of the new World, we will create new annals of mankind. Unless it is not possible to you and us? Quite probably, it becomes a reality.
Many people, who remain on coast and those who cannot get on the ship as passengers of the ship are inhabitants of all countries of our planet. They use TV, read newspapers, listen to radio, work on the Internet and use a mobile communication. What will they do? They will observe of the greatest event with a great interest. They too can participate in this event by calls, letters, SMS – votings because each person of the earth wishes to live in peace and the consent. And all inhabitants of the earth can participate in this mission.
How it is all will occur, you can see right now?
All people of the world will know that passengers of the ship and participants of peace-making mission by the ship "Oasis of the seas", during travel should carry out the task: namely - to create new model of the new world in which it would be desirable to live to each person and they should create new model of the uniform world community.
Already now we have directed thoughts of people through work on the Internet on performance of the first part of the task. And we see that a homework carry out with pleasure and is successful. Our experts assert that after the advertising company spent on the Internet about the given mission, there was an appreciable revival of Internet space, and ratings of sea Walks by the ships have grown several times.
We plan carrying out of the given peace-making mission in 2010 for July – August. The ship should float on the Black and Mediterranean seas with stops in those countries who has already expressed the consent to accept the given ship in the ports. A route and dates can be corrected. But our experts have specified this time, as the most favorable for a fulfilment of the given event.
Already today wishing to take part in creation of new model of the world by your ship more than 50000 persons. Interrogation shows that each creative person is ready to spend the time and the finance for this mission. Unique creative people of the world, a cinema and TV star, progressive youth of the world wish to leave the trace in the history and are ready to participate in creation of new model of the uniform world community.
Maria Karpinskaya - The General director of New Planetary Television of Youth». Moscow